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Starting out in art and photography..​


  Early art days: I was in pre school when I first discovered art, okay basically it likely resembled scribbled looking faces, block torsos & spaghetti legs, but my drawings still caught the attention of the the time I started Primary school though my 'scribble skills' seemed to catch yet more teacher attention lol,  one day while we were assigned to draw zoo animals I decided to draw out a croc...just a croc, nothing fancy...but the next day I was entered into a competition by my teacher to get my work displayed in a local gallery...for adults. I don't remember much of this, I was only five, but it was a big thing to my mother I suppose, and a major honour for a child. From then on I went on to win multiple local art competitions throughout my Primary years & into high school, this boosting my confidence in my art skills more & more. But my biggest critic has & always will be myself, it doesn't change.
 Photography: Just like art, I found photography at a young age, I was about 12 when I got my first camera, a cheap low resolution, auto flash, spool camera, not quite a disposable but not great :-p This though is what I started out on, I'd go out on my own away from distraction, taking random pics of wildlife & forests, like a little photographer geek that I was lol.. but everyone starts out somewhere, even if it is on basic equipment. Photography though may of just been in my blood all along, my father to had an interest in photography at a young age, he studied it for years in his youth, but that was early 1970's... my basic camera was likely an improvement to his!

The ol' upload days..


 Okay, well now I've mentioned how I started out in my interests.. I'll give a mention to my old upload days, when I actually started to have the confidence to show any of my stuff to the world.. I didn't really start uploading anything to anywhere until I was 17, before then I felt my things were not good enough for anyone but me to view, I wasn't always as confident in body & mind, even after a few years of showing things to people, I didn't believe others when they would tell me they actually liked my photos or my work, whether they were pics of me or just random photography.. but I soon realised it was me who was holding myself back, no one else, I didn't have faith in my own abilities..again with the self criticism!
 I got out of that mindset eventually, slowly, I learned that even if others lost interest in my works or said I wasn't good enough, as long as I had faith in what I done, it is all that truly mattered.



 Nowadays...ahhh, well now my nail art photography might of just taken over my old days, it wasn't until last year I started taking photos of my nail designs, before then, although they were still vvvery much there, I never done photos of them. But now that I spend more time on my nail art than any other thing in my life, I think its only fair they get their own spotlight now Lol.
​  More on my nail design under their own section here..                                              


  I try to 'update' my image & what I do from year to year, everyone gets bored & boring eventually if you stagnate yourself too much, but all the while keeping a balance on not overly changing what makes me me. I take pride in not following suit with the 'mainstream' though & that will never change about me, regardless on some peoples perception of me, good or bad.. foremost, I change for no one.

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