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  The start of my nail art..


  What I do nowadays is not new to me, I originally started with nail design while I was still in high school. I was 14 when I discovered the great creative sparkly world that is nail art designing. My nails were once short, unpainted & very 'in the norm', until that day I decided I wanted to do something creative on my person, something unusual that not just every second person does. The growth & the art kind of went hand & hand *no pun intended.. once I started laying down designs I felt I needed more space to extend my ideas, since I was never a fan of false nails, there was nothing else to it than grow my the time I finished high school they were very long, this got me noticed by fellow students, mostly positively but sometimes doing something different can have its draw backs, I'd get called a liar, I'd get them pulled & bent to see if they would break.. but eventually those people realised they weren't going away, they weren't just 'a fad' or lies I was making up to get attention.. they were real...they are real, now over a decade real in fact!


   My nail art back then though was not on the same level as what I do now, my designs were juvenile, but I was still in my teens, I self taught myself throughout the years on what worked & didn't, up to what I do now, but it has taken me years to get where I am now, no one learns well in a short space of time. Realistically though anyone can achieve these designs, all that is required is patience.. a great deal of it, & some artistic flair, in time you can achieve anything!

History of my nail designs..

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